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lua 동향(2011/10)

작성:http://ospace.tistory.com/(ospace114@empal.com) 2011.10.26

lua에 대해 관심을 가진지는 오래되었네요. 그렇다고해서 루아에 "ㄹ" 정도 알려나. ㅡ.ㅡ;;;

실무에는 간간히 적용해서 요즘이 감각이 무뎌지고 있어요. orz

요즘 대세는 python 아니면 ruby라서 lua가 조금 소외된 면이 많았네요. 특히, 게임 분야에서만 많이 사용하는 합니다.

저는 게임 분야가 아니라서 주변에서는 사용하시는 분이 아에 없네요.


최근 검색하던 중에 lua가 우연히 눈에 보이더군요. 많은 라이브러리들이 많이 나왔더군요.

특히, 유연한 UI를 위해서 lua을 사용하여 사용자가 동적으로 화면을 구성하려고 했었죠. 근데, lua용 UI SDK가 있더군요.

IUP와 wxLua네요.

IPU User Interface(출처: http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/)

출처: http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/

wxLua User Interface(출처: http://wxlua.sourceforge.net)

출처: http://wxlua.sourceforge.net

Google code

그리고 우연하게 google code에서 luaforwindows가 있네요. 이는 lua.org에서 링크되어 있습니다.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/

용량이 좀 됩니다. 왜 많은지 보았더니.. 포함된 라이브러리들이 좀 많습니다.

거의 다른 라이브러리 없이 대부분 만들 수 있을 정도더 군요. 이거 하나면 끝날듯~

업데이트가 2011년 7월까지 활발하게 진행되고 있네요.

중간에 IUP나 wxLua도 보이네요. ^^;

Libraries included (출처:http://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/)

Alien0.5.0Provides access to functions in an unknown or new .dll.
IUP3.5.0Light Portable Graphical User Interface library.
CD5.4.1Canvas Draw: A platform-independent graphic library.
IM3.6.3A toolkit for Digital Imaging.
ExJan 07Adds environment, file system, I/O (Locking and pipes), and process control.
LPeg0.9Pattern-matching library based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs).
Lua-GD2.9.33r2Image manipulation library based on Thomas Boutell’s GD library.
LuaCOM1.4Enable use & implementation of Microsoft’s Component Object Model.
LuaCURL1.0Interface to Internet browsing capabilities based on the cURL library.
Date2Date and Time library for Lua.
LuaDoc3.01Documentation tool for Lua source code.
LuaExpat1.1.0Lua interface to XML Expat parsing library.
LuaFileSystem1.4.2Access the directory structure and file attributes.
LuaLogging1.2.0Logging features in Lua, based on log4j.
LuaProfiler2.0.1Time profiler designed to find bottlenecks in Lua programs.
LuaSocket2.0.2Lua interface to support HTTP,FTP,SMTP, MIME, URL & LTN12.
LuaSQL2.1.1Lua interface for PostgreSQL, ODBC, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and ADO dbms.
LuaUnit1.3Testing framework for Lua.
LuaZip1.2.3Read files from zip files.
stdlib20Library of modules for common programming tasks, including list, table and functional operations, regexps, objects, pretty-printing and getopt.
lrexlib2.2Regular expression library for Lua.
MD51.1.2Basic cryptographic facilities for Lua.
Copas1.1.5Dispatcher based on coroutines that can be used by TCP/IP servers.
Coxpcall1.13Encapsulates the protected calls with a coroutine based loop, so errors can be dealed without the usual pcall/xpcall issues with coroutines.
Rings1.2.2Provides a way to create new Lua states from within Lua. It also offers a simple way to communicate between the creator (http://loop.luaforge.net/) and the created (slave) states.
LOOP2.3 BetaLOOP stands for Lua Object-Oriented Programming and is a set of packages for supporting different models of object-oriented programming in the Lua language.
LuaTask1.6.4Implements a concurrent and independent Lua execution environment model.
LuaInterface1.5.3Integration between the Lua language and Microsoft .NET platform's Common Language Runtime (CLR).
wxLua2.8.10Lua binding to the wxWidgets library.
lpack29 Jun 2007 19:27:20Lua library for packing and unpacking binary data.
VStruct1.0.2Provides functions for manipulating binary data.
LuaBitOps1.0.1Lua BitOp is a C extension module for Lua 5.1 which adds bitwise operations on numbers.
LuaXML1.3A module that maps between Lua and XML without much ado.
Lanes2.0.4Provides the possibility to run multiple Lua states in parallel.
MetaLua0.5-rc1A complete macro system with full compatibility with Lua 5.1 sources and bytecode: clean, elegant semantics and syntax, amazing expressive power, good performances, near-universal portability.
LuaGL1.3Provides access to all of the OpenGL functionality from Lua 5.x .
Penlightv0.9.4Common lua code patterns for tables, arrays, strings, paths and directories, data, and functional programming.
lbase64for Lua 5.1A base64 library for Lua.
gzio0.9.0The Lua gzip file I/O module emulates the standard I/O module, but operates on compressed gzip format files.
LuaRS2321.0.0RS232 serial communications library
LeMock0.6Mock creation module intended for use together with a unit test framework such as lunit or lunity.
LuaRocks2.0.2A deployment and management system for Lua modules.
Oil0.4-betaIt is a simple, efficient and flexible object request broker written in the Lua language.
LuaJSON1.2.2JSON parser/encoder for Lua Parses JSON using LPEG for speed and flexibility. Depending on parser/encoder options, various values are preserved as best as possible.

모두 lua의 세계에 빠져보아요~~



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